Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, and Adapted Physical Education


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Showing results for "Professor named Smith at Elementary School"
  • What is educationally based therapy services?

    Educationally based therapy services, provided as a related service, should be directed towards achievement of the functional tasks required to participate and benefit from special education services.  Educationally based therapy is provided to minimize the effects of the student’s disability on his or her ability to participate in the educational process.

    The therapist evaluates the student’s functional skills and collaborates with school staff to develop an appropriate IEP. The role of the therapist is to enhance the student’s ability to fully access and be successful in the learning environment.

    Services can be direct and/ or consultative in nature with implementation of the therapist’s recommendations by the teacher, assistant, or parent. Therapy services will be provided in the least restrictive environment (LRE). By providing services in the child’s naturally occurring educational setting, the therapist is able to offer strategies needed for the student’s daily activities with teacher/ assistant involvement. These strategies may include handling techniques, classroom modifications, school related self-care skills, fine or gross motor skill development, sensory supports and/or adaptive equipment.

    In the school setting, educational goals are the basis of progress while therapeutic activities are undertaken to support the student's individual educational goals. 


  • How are students eligible for APE, OT and/or PT services?

    Students who meet eligibility criteria as having a motor impairment (fine, gross, visual-motor), a deficit in sensory-processing, or a deficit in activities of daily living (ADLs) skills can be eligible for Adapted Physical Education, Occupational Therapy, and/or Physical Therapy services.  This eligibility is determind through evaluation by an Adapted Physical Education Specialist, licensed Occupational Therapist, and/or licensed Physical Therapist by utilizing standardized testing, criterion based testing, observation in the educational enviorment, and classroom observations in the student's current educational setting.  Each campus has an Adapted Physical Education Specialist, Occupational Therapist, and Physical Therapist available to provide the continuum of services in their special education setting once eligibility criteria is met.  Please consult your school Adapted Physical Education Specialist, Occupational, and/or Physical Therapist for more information.