• "The EARTH without ART is EH"


    Student Projects:
    * Students will complete several major assignments during their cycle in art.

    * Students are expected to complete ALL assignments to the best of their ability while fulfilling all of the project requirements.

    * Students will be given a test grade for projects and class participation grade for all other assignments.

    Student Participation:
    * Students are expected to stay on task and work on their project the entire class period.

    * Students who come to class on time and remain on task will receive a high participation grade.

    * Students are expected to bring a pencil to class everyday.

    * Repeat occurrences will result in lunch detention, calls home, and/ or office referrals.

    Student Expectations:
    * Respect all people, projects, materials, and the classroom

    * Act in a mature and responsible way ( NO SWEARING )

    * Do not leave the classroom for any reason without permission

    * Come to class prepared, pay attention, and follow directions

    * No Cell Phones allowed in class unless teacher gives permission

    * Discrimination or hateful / negative language will not be tolerated