Dr Bart Miller
Place 7 Trustee
Dr. Miller is a native of Rockwall and a K through 12 graduate of Rockwall High School. Bart attended Northwestern University, graduated from Rice University, and served in the US Navy for five years as a Nuclear Propulsion/Surface Warfare Officer. After completing dental school (UTHSC-San Antonio) and an orthodontic residency (TAMUHSC – Dallas), he returned to Rockwall to raise his family. Bart has three children who attended Rockwall schools and are also proud graduates of RISD.
Dr. Miller’s practice is a family business that has been a part of the Rockwall community for over 45 years giving him daily contact with students and families in the district.
Dr. Miller is a current member and Past President of the Rockwall Rotary Club. He served 20 years on the Rockwall County YMCA Board of Management, including a term as President. He was a founding member of the Rockwall ISD Education Foundation and served on multiple RISD Bond Committees.
Dr. Miller is “… proud to serve RISD, which has been such a large part of my life and my family’s life, navigate the future challenges and opportunities while working to maintain the community relationships that have made it so special.”