Trustee Information
Role of Trustees:
Texas law grants the seven-member Board of Trustees exclusive power to govern and oversee the management of public schools, including authority to levy and collect taxes, buy and sell property, exercise the right of eminent domain, accept donations, charge fees, and adopt employment policies.
Trustees serve three-year terms, which are staggered so that two or three members are elected annually. Trustees represent the entire District, and qualified voters may vote in all elections.
Trustee Meetings:
Per Policy BE (LOCAL), regular meetings of the Board shall normally be held on the third Monday of each month at 6:00 the Board Room of the Administration Building located at 1050 Williams Street, Rockwall, Texas. Per policy, the Board reserves the right to change meeting dates and times whenever necessary and can call a special meeting or work session.
Election Information:
For additional information please visit our Elections page.