Furlough Exit Appeals
Furlough Information
The District may place on a furlough any student who is unable to maintain the satisfactory performance or whose educational needs are not being met within the structure of the gifted and talented program. A furlough may be initiated by the District, the parent, or the student.
In accordance with the Board-approved program, a furlough shall be granted for specified reasons and for a specified period of time. At the end of a furlough, the student may reenter the gifted and talented program, be placed on another furlough, or be exited from the program.
FURLOUGH: A temporary withdrawal is considered a furlough. Students may be furloughed for one semester or the entire year.
Parents/Students: To request furlough from services: Complete the Furlough Request form and submit it to the campus Gifted and Talented Specialist or Rockwall ISD Gifted and Talented Coordinator- Jennifer Leal.
The request will be considered as soon as possible by the G/T committee.
In such cases, a conference among the parent/guardian, counselor/principal, gifted/talented campus specialist, gifted/talented district coordinator, and the student (if appropriate) must be held before a furlough is granted. Appropriate documentation, signed by the parent/guardian and other members of the furlough procedures, will be placed in the student’s gifted and talented records at the conclusion of this process. If the student does not reenter the program by the end of the furlough period, they will be exited from the program.
Exit Information
The District shall monitor student performance in response to gifted and talented program services. If at any time the selection committee or a parent determines it is in the best interest of the student to exit the program, the committee shall meet with the parent and student before finalizing an exit decision.
EXIT: A withdrawal from all Gifted and Talented services is considered an exit. An exit from services requires a complete reassessment and Gifted and Talented review for appropriate placement should services be requested in the future.
Parents/Students/Educators: To request exit from services: Complete the Exit Request form and submit it to the campus Gifted and Talented Specialist or Rockwall ISD Gifted and Talented Coordinator- Jennifer Leal.
The request will be considered as soon as possible by the G/T committee.
Students placed in the gifted and talented program may be exited by a campus screening committee when it is determined that it would be in the best interest of the student and/or the program to discontinue the student’s participation. The student, parent/guardian, teacher, principal, or counselor may request that the student be removed from the gifted and talented program. In such cases, a conference among the parent/guardian, gifted/talented campus specialist, gifted/talented district coordinator, and the student (if appropriate) must be held before the student is exited. Appropriate documentation, signed by the student’s parent/guardian and the G/T committee, will be placed in the student’s gifted and talented records at the conclusion of the process.
A student who exited from the program may not re-enter the program until one full academic year has elapsed. After that time, a student may be re-referred and must complete the entire screening process.
Appeals Information
A parent, student, or educator may appeal any final decision of the selection committee regarding selection for or exit from the gifted and talented program. Appeals shall be made first to the District GT Coordinator beginning at Level One. Any subsequent appeals shall be made in accordance with EHBB(LOCAL) beginning at Level Two.
Process for Appeals Regarding Selection and Removal
The parent/guardian of a student may appeal in writing the non-selection or exiting of a student. Upon receipt of the written appeal, the election committee will review the student’s application, scores, and performance. The committee may interview the student to determine whether special or unusual circumstances should be considered in the committee’s decision. The committee will communicate this decision in writing to the parent/guardian.
Contact Me
Jennifer Leal
Coordinator - Gifted & Talented