K-2 Standards Based Report Cards
Beginning in the 2019-2020 school year, Rockwall ISD will implement a new K-2 Standards-Based Report Card in an effort to report student progress in a manner that is consistent and aligned with state curriculum standards. The report card informs parents about student progress toward critical skills/standards that are expected. It is designed to give you, the parent, helpful information on the progress of your child throughout the school year. The new standards-based report card is different from the current report card for 1st and 2nd graders in that student will not receive a letter grade for each content area. Instead, students will receive feedback on the student’s progress toward mastery of each standards.
Rockwall ISD is committed to providing parents with high-quality information on students' academic and social progress. This guide has been specifically designed to help parents better understand the reporting format.
Mathematics Rubrics
Science Rubrics
Social Studies Rubrics
English Language Arts and Reading Rubrics
Spanish Language Arts and Reading Rubrics
Music/Art/Physical Education Rubric