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Reading Language Arts

Rockwall ISD is grounded in the belief that all students can learn and achieve at high levels of success. We provide districtwide English Language Arts and Reading instruction delivered through a comprehensive literacy approach where reading and writing instruction focus on teaching every student rather than teaching a specific program. The Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) are the standards in which we base our instruction. The TEKS include knowledge and skills for speaking, listening, reading, and writing. As these components are translated into classroom experiences, students have opportunities to talk, read, and write in the ways they use language both inside and outside of the classroom.

Our teachers strive to ignite passion and excitement in an effort to create communities of lifelong readers and writers. Through providing differentiation, small group instruction, one-on-one instruction, independent reading and writing, students are empowered to make meaningful and relevant connections to their lives.  We believe language skills are essential tools to be successful in life and help to further learning and career development. Cultivating comprehension is the ultimate goal of reading and language arts instruction. Developing our students as critical thinkers and proficient readers and writers will enable all students to achieve success in college, career, and life.

Contact Us

Erin Denny

ELA Teacher

Jennifer Penton

Coordinator - Elem Literacy/Social Studies