Science instruction is designed for students to learn to think scientifically about the world around them.
Students are guided by teachers to investigate the natural world and its systems directly or through models, while measuring and observing to gather data, and then to make meaning of the results. Students formulate and defend scientific explanations from evidence by describing and revising scientific thinking while distinguishing relevant from irrelevant material. In order to accomplish this, students perform a wide variety of science investigations at all grade levels. Students are challenged throughout their science courses to communicate their scientific thinking effectively through both written and oral communication as well as construction and interpretation of models.
In Rockwall ISD, students experience high quality science instruction through student-centered classrooms where teachers implement the 5-E Model of instruction. Teachers are guided by the Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills (TEKS) as they facilitate exploration of the nature of science by students.
Contact Us
Theresa Chorba
Coordinator - Elementary Science
Heather Ross
Coordinator - Secondary Science