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2015 Bond Projects

2015 Bond Projects Logo

To manage our fast growth, the Rockwall ISD Board of Trustees commissioned a facilities planning committee. Comprised of parents, grandparents, teachers and business leaders, the committee took a thorough, community driven approach to develop a bond package.

With the help of district staff and a professional facilitator, the 60-member committee combed through financial data, reviewed modern academic needs and toured campuses. After a little more than five months of extensive study, the facilities committee came to a consensus on a $257 million dollar bond package. Voters will have their say on the bond package in a referendum election to be held on November 3, 2015.

The Rockwall ISD bond package was designed to impact every student with new and renovated schools, basic maintenance and capital upgrades, technology and security updates, new busses and sports fields and a College and Career Academy. Click here for a more detailed listing of the bond package projects.To minimize the tax impact, the Board of Trustees will use existing district funds to prefund technology initiatives. When combined with the likely passage of the constitutional amendment providing for a larger homestead exemption, the tax impact will be less than $10 per month on a $250,000 home – an increase that will be phased in over a four year period. Citizens 65 years of age and over will see no increase above their capped level.

The Rockwall ISD School Board and administrators strive to be as open and transparent as possible. Please contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. 


Bond Referendum Video