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Rockwall ISD Bond Referendum. Frequently Asked Questions.

Did Rockwall ISD administrators solicit the input of local citizens before developing the bond package?
To manage our fast growth, the Board of Trustees commissioned a Facilities Bond Committee in 2019 and asked them to study the district’s needs and make a recommendation on how to manage our growth. The diverse facilities bond committe comprised of parents, grandparents, teachers, and business and community leaders from across Rockwall ISD reviewed financial data, current academic needs and projected student growth.

Was every facility in the school district reviewed during the committee process?
Yes. With the goal of making sure we impact every kid in every school, our Facilities Bond Committee reviewed every school in the district.

How quickly is Rockwall ISD growing?
Rockwall ISD has grown by more than 3,000 students over the last decade, and professional demographers who specialize in fast-growth communities expect we will see a 21% increase in our student population by 2030.

What propositions will be on the November ballot?
Proposition A - would provide close to $458,926,000 million dollars for new schools and renovations and additions to current schools in response to our growth. This would include 9th-grade campuses, a middle school, a replacement elementary school, additional classroom space for 6th graders at existing middle schools which expands capacity and frees up space at our elementary schools, basic maintenance and modern security. Proposition A would also allow us to purchase new buses to maintain a safe and modern fleet.

Proposition B - would allocate $16,919,000 million to update our technology, purchase new computers and chromebooks, provide classroom interactive multimedia displays and enhance wifi connectivity for classrooms. This lifecycle replacement of classroom devices and computers, technology infrastructure replacements and upgrades will allow schools to handle the additional usage that comes from our student growth. Technology with a limited lifespan will be funded only with short-term bonds.

What is going to be the tax impact of the bond package on Rockwall ISD taxpayers?
If both propositions are approved, the property tax rate will increase approximately 3/4th of a penny, and our tax rate will remain approximately 17¢ lower than it was in 2015.

Upon approval of the bond referendum, is the entire amount issued all at once?
No. The district will only issue bonds to cover the cost of projects at the time they are needed and approved by the School Board. Short-term projects will be financed only through short-term bonds.

What will be the impact on senior citizens in the district?
Homeowners 65 years of age and older will see no increase in their property tax rate now or in the future if they have filed for their senior citizen homestead exemption.

Should voters approve the bond package, does the district have policies in place to make sure our tax dollars are spent efficiently?
Yes. Just like we did with the 2015 bond package, our team of financial professionals will keep a close eye on the spending approved by voters. Our best practices approach has helped Rockwall ISD earn the highest ranking from the state’s Financial Integrity Rating System for the past two decades, and achieve an ‘A’ district accountability rating from the Texas Education Agency.

What is the status of the 2015 bond package?
Capital projects from the 2015 bond package were collectively completed on time and under budget. In fact, by refinancing and refunding bonds from 2015 through 2019, we saved taxpayers over $90 million – that’s more than enough to cover the cost of our state-of-the-art College & Career Academy.

Who do we contact if we want more information about the bond referendum?
For more information, please contact the district at or (972)771-0605. We strive to be as transparent as possible and will do our best to thoroughly answer any questions you may have.