Planning Process
Rockwall ISD referendum planning process.
Families are drawn to Rockwall ISD because they know we are setting the standard for excellence at every level. It’s why we expect to see a twenty-one percent increase in our student population by 2030 – that’s 3,500 new learners.
With this fast growth, the Board of Trustees commissioned a Facilities Bond Committee in 2019 and asked them to study the district’s needs and make a recommendation on how to manage our growth.
The committee comprised of parents, grandparents, teachers, and business and community leaders from across Rockwall ISD reviewed financial data, current academic needs and projected student growth.
After their extensive review, the Bond Committee recommended a $475,845,000 million bond proposal comprised of two propositions designed to impact every student in our district.
Proposition A - would provide close to $458,926,000 million dollars for new schools and renovations and additions to current schools in response to our growth. This would include 9th-grade campuses, a middle school, a replacement elementary school, additional classroom space for 6th graders at existing middle schools which expands capacity and frees up space at our elementary schools, basic maintenance and modern security. Proposition A would also allow us to purchase new buses to maintain a safe and modern fleet.
Proposition B - would allocate $16,919,000 million to technology, purchase new computers and chromebooks, provide classroom interactive multimedia displays and enhance wifi connectivity for classrooms. This lifecycle replacement of classroom devices and computers, technology infrastructure replacements and upgrades will allow schools to handle the additional usage that comes from our student growth. Technology with a limited lifespan will be funded only with short-term bonds.
Click HERE for more information.
Members of the Rockwall ISD Facilities Bond Committee
Alison Belliveau
Amy Rule
Andrea Jones-Henderson
Bart Miller
Billy Quinton
Brenda Sandoval-Jones
Bridgette King
Carol Rosales
Cary Ward
Cathy Pinnell
Christina Bradford
Cori Green
Cyndi Brown
Dane Steinberger
Danny Garcia
Darby Burkey
David Blake
David Rakow
David Sweet
Dennis Bailey
Elena Del Castillo
Eric Wesley
Frank Conselman
Gabriel Cabarrouy
Jessica Overstreet
Joe Wimpee
Julie Zyrek
Karen Meno
Kathleen Evans
Katy Miller
Kelly Sass
Kenric McNeal
Kevin Pate
Kevin Samples
Kim Craddock
Kyle Gilpin
Lacy Deckard
Lesli Johnson
Liz Keiser
Maria Shah
Mary Pugh
Megan Gist
Michelle Ghormley
Olga Colon
Patti Martinez
Robert Miller
Shana Young
Terri Wesley
Todd Bradford
Tracy Green
Travis King