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About Mentoring

How are students selected to the program?
Campus administrators, teachers, and counselors identify students they feel can benefit from having a mentor. Once a student is selected, the parent/guardian is contacted and informed that their child has been referred to the Mentor Program. Permission to participate in the Mentor Program is sought from the parent/guardian. The student is then contacted, and asked if he/she would like to be part of this program. No student is required to participate.

How does a mentor Impact a student?
Having a mentor can be life changing. The power of the relationship has the potential to help the student reach his/her greatest potential. According to a Big Brothers/Big Sisters survey, of the students involved in a school-based mentoring program:

  • 95% were promoted to the next grade
  • 75% improved their peer relationships
  • 69% improved their relationships with authority
  • 69% improved their school attendance
  • How does the program impact a mentor?
    For the mentor, the relationship to help a student succeed can offer the following advantages:

    • Can increase one’s involvement in the community.
    • Can help one recognize he/she can make a difference.
    • Can help one make a new friend with a young person.
    • Can help one gain new experiences and knowledge about youth and the community’s schools.
    • Can help one contribute to the quality of the future workforce.

    What is Required of a Mentor?
    Mentors are asked to volunteer a minimum of one hour per week during the school day. This is a school-based program; therefore, all mentoring takes place at the student’s campus during a time that has been set up by the Campus Liaison and the mentor. Outside contact is normally prohibited unless approved by the mentee’s parent or guardian.
    Mentors demonstrate that individuals can powerfully influence the lives of young people in the following ways:

    • Provide one student with support and guidance.
    • Help one student experience greater self-esteem and motivation to succeed.
    • Encourage one student to stay in school and graduate.
    • Encourage one student to avoid the use of drugs and alcohol.
    • Help one student with interpersonal relationships, such as with teachers and family.
    • Provide one student with assistance in choosing a career path.

    How do I Become a Mentor?
    All Rockwall ISD volunteers are required to complete the Consent to Perform Background Check. Once approved, volunteers will be assigned to one of the district campuses. A Campus Liaison will conduct mentor orientation training. Mentors will then be matched with a mentee, and a date will be established to begin the program.

How do I Begin the Process?

If you are interested in becoming a mentor for a student in Rockwall ISD, please print and fill out the Consent to Perform Background Check. Complete and return the form for approval at the address below. If you cannot print the required forms please contact us. The district will notify you with the status of your applications.

Consent to Perform Background Check

Return forms to:

Mentoring Program Application
Rockwall Independent School District
1050 Williams Street
Rockwall, Texas 75087