Private or Home School Services
Students who have already been determined as eligible for special education services, and attend a private school or homeschool within the District's boundaries, may be eligible for special education or related services through the District's proportionate share plan. Rockwall ISD creates a private school plan at the beginning of each school year, which outlines any services that may be offered to private school and homeschool students.
For the 2022-2023 school year, eligible participants will include those students identified by the District as students placed voluntarily by a parent in a private school within Rockwall ISD or home school who meet the age requirement between the ages of 5-21 and have been identified with a speech impairment. The speech services will be provided for the current year based on funding per state regulations.
Students who do not reside in Rockwall ISD but attend a private school located in Rockwall ISD may access evaluation and speech services if found eligible. Eligible students may access speech services according to the RISD Proportionate Share Plan. Services will be provided at the RISD campus located nearest to the private school the student attends. If your child meets this definition, please contact Veronica Murphey or Leslie Flisowski, Directors of Special Education at (972) 772-1175.
Students attending private schools in a district other than Rockwall ISD should contact that district to access evaluation and special education services. The special education services provided by another district will be confined to that district's service plan.