Using Skyward Family Access
Both students and parents/guardians can use Skyward Family Access to view grades, attendance, schedules, health information and report cards/progress reports. Parents and guardians can also use Skyward Family Access to complete Back-to-School Online Forms and submit absences online.
Getting Started
Go to Find the Skyward Icon on the main home page. |
You can also save this link as a bookmark:
Logging In
- If you have forgotten your login or password, click on the “Forgot Your Login/Password” link at the bottom of the screen.
If your email address is in Skyward, you will receive an email with the information you need. If you don’t receive an email with login information or need assistance, contact your campus.
Your Login ID: 1st 5 letters of last name + 1st 3 letters of first name + 000.
Example - Justin Franks: frankjus000
It is possible that your Login ID may end in 001, 002, etc., depending on the number of users with that ID
If your first or last name is shorter than the login requirements, add an underscore (_) for each letter. Example - Jo Lupe: lupe_jo_000
You can download the Skyward Family Access Manual to learn more about submitting online forms and using the elements of Family Access.