Helpful Links
Here are some resources that parents can use when working with their child(ren):
Student Dashboard and Log-in Information
In Rockwall, we have set up a dashboard for students that provides quick and simple access to all of our instructional programs.
Skyward for Parents
Parents can log into Skyward Family Access to view their child(ren)'s attendance, grades, etc.
You can find more information on how to use Skyward Family Access on the Using Skyward Family Access page on this website.
Teachers in grades 3-12 use Canvas to manage digital instructional materials and student assignments. Students have a dedicated Canvas course for each class on their schedule. As parents, you are able to view Canvas Courses that students are enrolled in, including assignments, announcements, and course interactions.
Destiny Library Manager
Rockwall ISD utilizes Destiny Library Manager to catalog books in campus libraries. Parents can view the books that their child has checked out by logging into their child’s Destiny account.