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Utley Learning is on the Move

mathThe Utley Wolves are off to an active start this year! Teachers are utilizing gallery walks and collaborative activities to engage students and encourage student discourse.

In 7th grade science, students walked the halls, looking at cell organelles and identifying the various parts. Students were able to discuss with their classmates while working and walking. If the answer was unknown, students were able to learn from each other.

In math, classes headed to the library to spread out and work on math puzzles. In groups of four, students had to solve equations and rework pieces to complete the entire puzzle. While working, students discussed strategies for solving math problems and tactics to make the puzzle work.

In craft and sculptures, Ms. Baldwin's class conducted a gallery walk to critique each other's work. Students observed the art pieces and practiced writing thoughtful critiques that encouraged the artist while offering advice.

We love seeing engaging learning that gets students involved!