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February Library Lunches

lunchFebruary is a month made for love, so lunches in the library were back every week throughout the month for the Love the Library Progam. Every Tuesday, students took their lunches into the library to discover something new to love about the library. 

Ms. Loya, the librarian, and Ms. Ross, the Utley ITS, presented different projects each session. Students did hands-on projects such as origami and shrinky dinks. Then they focused on ore technology-related activities. Ms. Ross showed students how to use technology and recognition software to control musical instruments. Students also completed original Valentine themed Wordles. In the final week, participants experienced drawing using AI technology while playing a game of Pictionary. 

"I hope that these lunches make students feel comfortable coming to the library and using it as a resource. It was a great experience, and I hope the kids had as much fun as I did!" Ms. Loya said at the end of the program.