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Pullen Students Partner with Mac & Cheese and Pancakes to Feed Community

Pullen Students Partner with Mac and Cheese and Pancakes to Feed Community


Dorothy Smith Pullen Elementary recently collaborated with the Mac & Cheese and Pancakes organization to help provide kid-friendly and kid-approved food to local food pantries with a contest.


Each grade level brought a different kid-friendly food. Kindergarten brought Mac & Cheese, first grade brought canned meat, second grade brought soup and canned pasta, third grade brought Hamburger or Tuna Helper, fourth grade brought cereal, fifth grade brought peanut butter & jelly and sixth grade brought pasta and canned sauce.


Congratulations to the sixth graders who brought in the most food items.  The grand total of food items collected was 832.


1st Place - 6th Grade - 188 food items

2nd Place – Kindergarten - 156 food items

3rd Place - 1st Grade - 146 food items

4th Place - 4th Grade - 133 food items

5th Place - 3nd Grade - 94 food items

6th Place - 2nd Grade - 67 food items

7th Place - 5th Grade - 48 food items