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Students at Jones Elementary are CHAMPS for Exhibiting Empathy, Kindness and Gratitude

Students at Jones Elementary are CHAMPS for Exhibiting Empathy, Kindness and Gratitude


Jones Elementary has used the CHAMPS method for the past few years for improving classroom behavior. CHAMPS’s goal is to improve classroom behavior and establish clear classroom behavior expectations with logical and fair responses to misbehavior.


Each teacher clearly explains the expected behavior during different scenarios in class so students are fully aware of expectations. Because of this, there is less time spent on behavior management and more time spent on instruction.


This year, Ms. Rivera, the Jones Counselor, took it a step further and has initiated the CHAMPS awards. Each month, students are chosen from classes who exhibit certain characteristics including empathy, kindness, and gratitude.


Teachers each submit a name for the month and Ms. Rivera, along with Ms. Sparks (AP) and Ms. Twedell (Principal), celebrate the students for their positive behavior. Student camaraderie is up, as well. When students’ names get called, the other students cheer them on, happy for their friends who were chosen.


Students at Jones Elementary are CHAMPS for Exhibiting Empathy, Kindness and Gratitude


Students at Jones Elementary are CHAMPS for Exhibiting Empathy, Kindness and Gratitude


Students at Jones Elementary are CHAMPS for Exhibiting Empathy, Kindness and Gratitude