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Dr. JE Wolfson Visit

Dr. J.E. Wolfson from the Texas Holocaust, Genocide, and Antisemitism Advisory Commission recently delivered a presentation to the Utley 8th students, enriching their understanding of the Holocaust. The session aimed to clarify facts while dispelling common misconceptions about one of the darkest periods in history, with a special focus on the Holocaust's impact from the perspective of young people who experienced it.

The presentation was followed by an engaging question-and-answer session, where students had the opportunity to delve deeper into the subject, asking questions that reflected their understanding and curiosity.

This educational event was particularly timely as the English Language Arts students had recently completed reading various World War II novels. This background allowed them to make meaningful connections between their readings and Dr. Wolfson's presentation, enhancing their grasp of the historical context and the human stories within that era. A big thank you to the Rockwall County Library for helping to coordinate this!