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TeenTober in the Library

Teentober is an initiative designed to encourage teenagers to engage in their library by providing fun and stimulating activities, fostering a sense of community, and promoting literacy. At Utley Middle School, Ms. Loya took the lead in organizing this event, ensuring that students had an enjoyable and educational experience.

This event brought students together for a series of engaging activities. Every Monday throughout October, students gathered in the school library during lunchtime, creating a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere. These lunch sessions were a great opportunity for students to bond with their peers and explore various activities.

One of the highlights of Teentober at Utley Middle School was the use of 3D pens, allowing students to unleash their creativity and bring their designs to life. The students were excited to use these innovative tools to craft unique and imaginative creations. Card games were another popular feature of Teentober along with choice boards that provided a flexible and personalized approach to learning and engagement. Students had the opportunity to explore a variety of activities that aligned with their interests and talents. Finally, to add some Halloween spirit, a presentation competition was also organized. Students put their creativity to the test by preparing and delivering Halloween-themed presentations. 

The event fostered a sense of belonging and encouraged students to see the library as a place for both learning and social interaction. The success of Teentober at Utley Middle School underscored the significance of library programs in enriching the lives of students. By offering engaging activities and creating a welcoming environment, Ms. Loya and the library team have not only celebrated the spirit of Teentober but also reinforced the library's role as a dynamic center for learning and social interaction.