Obstacle Run 2021

Nebbie Nation families!


We’re only 1 week away from our OBSTACLE RUN FUNDRAISER KICKOFF and our students and staff are so excited! We’re looking forward to having fun and building community together. Our goal is to raise $18,000 for instructional supplies needed for our school! 


Today, donating officially opened on mybooster.com, and you can support our school in 3 steps:


  1. REGISTERyour student(s) on mybooster.com today. It takes 30 seconds!
  2. SHAREwith 5 family/friends using the SHARE tools on mybooster.com (Facebook, Text Message or Email). Students can earn rewards just for sharing from mybooster.com.
  3. GIVEa donation if you are able to give.


Key dates to remember: 

⭐️ Donating Opens - TODAY!

Register on MYBOOSTER.COM, Share, & Give!

⭐️ Event Kick Off - 10/15

⭐️ Event Day 10/29
SAVE THE DATE! You’re invited to come watch the FUN!


Every share and donation makes a difference! And, don’t forget…


  • All students get to participate in the Event day, regardless of financial participation
  • Students will experience an incredible character development program. They’ll be learning about the importance of curiosity, confidence, humility, practice and endurance by following along with Sports City Worldwide! Check out the trailer here:  https://vimeo.com/569056182/a3547ba2ee


Thank you for supporting our school - we are grateful for our amazing school community!