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CogAT Testing (2nd & 4th Grade Students)

Dear Parent or Guardian,

The CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) will be administered to all second and fourth-grade students in Rockwall ISD. The test will be administered over three days, between September 21 - September 29, 2023. Students will spend no more than one hour on the test each day.

The CogAT measures learned reasoning and problem-solving skills in three areas: verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal. These are the areas most linked to academic success in school. Reasoning skills develop gradually throughout a person's lifetime and at different rates for different individuals. Reasoning abilities are good predictors of success in school and are important outcomes of good schooling. Teachers can tailor instruction to match how students learn and consider students for enrichment programs, challenging their thinking and uncovering gaps between student achievement and ability. It also increases accurate decision-making and provides research-based interpretations of students' abilities. The results can support teachers as they use data to make appropriate instructional decisions based on a student's cognitive strengths. CogAT results help facilitate differentiated instruction and benefit all learners.

The best preparation for all tests is to come to school well-rested with a positive attitude. We appreciate the opportunity to partner with your family in your child's education. 

In Partnership,

Rockwall ISD 

Curriculum & Instruction