Project Picture

Art II Classroom Procedures

  • Each student will be graded on effort, progress, and end result. Grades are not competitive between students; artwork will never be compared to one another. It is important to note that this grade is based on the student meeting the requirements of the project, and not on the student’s ability to master every single artistic skill. Therefore, effort is a major part of the project's grade.



    · It is the student’s responsibility to check on work/notes missed.

    · If too many days are missed the student has to make a judgment call to determine if he/she will finish by the due date. Projects can be taken home or students can come in during tutoring times to work.

    · Students will have about eight school days after an assignment is due to turn it in without penalty or they will receive a zero. I will not take late work and will deduct points for unfinished work. I will send out a generic email if your child is missing work or if they need extra time to inform you that they need tutoring time.



    Tutoring Times:

    For students who need additional time on assignments and/or for students who have been absent.

    · Tuesday and Thursday- 8:05 am 

    · Monday through Friday- Wildcat time.



    Classroom Rules


    Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings

    Respect other students, the teacher, and the art supplies

    Please never use music players when I am teaching.


    Consequences for negative choices, in order, are as follows:

    · Verbal redirection — personal warning to the student

    · Second time --- the student and teacher will discuss an appropriate response; parent will be contacted

    · Third time —Lunch detention*

    · Students’ persistent behavior will result in continual detentions and or serious consequences until behavior is corrected.

    *Severe Clause: Immediate removal from the classroom with an office referral for failure to comply with teacher requests or blatant disrespectful behavior. If the student is in any direct danger to him/her-self or a direct danger to any other person in the class he/she will be sent to the office immediately.



    MP3 Player Rules


    If others or I can hear your music it’s too loud.

    No Sharing of music, players, or ear buds.

    Only school appropriate music.

    Use with only one plug/ear bud/ etc. in (You need to be able to hear me in case of emergencies)