• E-Books--access our e-book collection from your device!  

    Follett Shelf - Millington Central High School
    1.  We have two eBook shelves that students can read books and check out onto personal devices.

    2.  MackinVia and Follett both have free apps that can be downloaded which allows you to download books. 

    3. When you open up the app, you will need to put in the name of our school - Cain Middle School or Maurine Cain Middle School.

    4. MackinVia - Type in your Student ID# for both your username and password: Follettshelf - type in your Student ID # for your username and your computer login for your password.

    5. Once you check out a book, it is strongly recommended that you download it to your device so you do not need an internet connection to read.

    6. Remember, ALWAYS check your bookbag /backpack to see what you have checked out and when it is due.

    7. You may check out 2 eBooks  at a time for 2 weeks.  

    8. Please ask Mrs.Munson for help if you are having problems!

    Destiny Discover App (FollettShelf)