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Rockwall ISD Board Approves Schematic Design


On June 19, 2023, the District’s architectural consulting firm Corgan Architects presented the Board of Trustees the Schematic Design of the future Utley Middle School Additions & Renovations.  Generally speaking, the schematic design is the first phase of basic services for project design.  At this stage in the project, the design professional typically describes the project three-dimensionally.  A range of alternative design concepts are explored to define the character of the completed project and an optimum realization of the project program.

Over the coming months, Corgan Architects will continue to work with District leadership and stakeholders to refine the schematic design into construction documents that can be sent out to bid in Spring 2024.  The District currently anticipates being able to begin the multi-phased construction of the new additions & renovations at Utley Middle School in Fall 2024 with an anticipated final expected completion date of August 2026. 

The new additions & renovations will be constructed to provide capacity for the 6th grade transition to the middle schools scheduled to occur in August 2025 and to make much needed facility improvements to the 60+ year old campus.  The new additions and renovations are projected to include expansions for both fine arts and athletics.  Instructional areas that will receive additions and renovations include added classrooms, renovations to existing classrooms and creating outdoor learning spaces.  Lastly, needed capital improvements to the existing campus will be addressed in this bond project.